Sunday 27 January 2013

3 Web Design Tips to Generate More Leads

3 Web Design Tips to Generate More Leads

Your website is there to help your business get found online. It serves as a way for customers to learn more about whom your business is and what you, as a company, offer. But not all visitors that arrive on your website are ready to make a purchase. These people may just be scouting out companies that do what you do to try to prepare themselves for the moment when they are ready to make a purchase. In these cases, it is important to capture the lead so that you can do what you can to remain in the forefront of this prospects mind.
The way you design your website can help you capture these valuable leads. Here are three web design tips to help you get the information you need so that you can nurture your leads and help your business thrive online.

Use Social Media to Your Advantage
Website visitors have become accustomed to seeing the social media logos of their favorite networks, such as Twitter and Facebook. By posting these logos, links to your social media accounts and a call to action asking for your website visitor to engage with you on social media, you can encourage people right then and there to follow you. This will help you gain more followers that you can slowly nurture with valuable posts and content until they are ready to make a purchase. Then, when they are in a position to buy your goods or services, you will be in the forefront of their mind because they will be connected with you on social media. By simply adding social media links in your web design, you can immediately start a relationship with your prospect.

Offer Valuable Content for Free
People love free stuff. Combine that with the increasingly popular content marketing and you have a recipe for success. This form of marketing allows you to offer something for free on your website. This free offering can be an e-Book written to about a specific topic that you know will help your website visitor and future customer, or a subscription to your blog post filled with daily tips and tricks that will give bits and pieces of valuable information. When you offer something for free, do so in exchange for an e-mail address or phone number so that you can get in touch with your prospect again in the future.

Make Your Call to Action Impossible to Miss
Your website visitor is busy and they may only spend a few seconds on your website before they head off to other competitor websites. Therefore, you want to make your call to action or prompt to gain their personal information easy to find and impossible to not react to. One way to do this is through an interruption window that pops up after a few seconds on your site offering your free content. Another way to do this is through the use of arrows or bright colors to direct their eye to that portion of your site first. Depending on what it is your business offers, there is a way to make your lead generation call to action clear and straightforward so that you can be sure you will capture your website visitors’ personal information.
Following up with customers once they have been to your website is a sure way to make a bigger splash in the market and drive more sales. Likewise, offering something of value to them as they make their purchase decision will keep your business in the forefront of their mind and give them a reason to remember you when they are ready to buy. Contact us for help designing a website to drive these conversions.

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