Tuesday 8 January 2013

Top Tips for Web Design in 2013

Top Tips for Web Design in 2013

1) Don’t Design For Yourself
When you are looking for a new Web Design for 2013 it is important to make sure your website is designed for your visitors/potential customers and not for you. Remember, at the end of the day it is not you who will be looking at your website and making your website appeal to visitors will reap much more rewards.

2) Keep Your Website Quick
We spoke about this last year and it is still one of the most important things to keep an eye on. Remember that people are put off if they don’t see your website load in a reasonable amount of time (3 seconds is about the norm these days). There are plenty of tools available to measure website speed, head on over to tools.pingdom.com to test your website.

3) Analyse Website Analytics
Always keep an eye on your website analytics, you should visit the data at least once per month to see what your most popular pages are, where the highest bounce rates are and where the highest amounts of exits are occurring. If you haven’t got analytics installed on your website then head over to google.com/analytics and sign up. If you are not sure what you are doing speak to Pebble and we will help you out.

4) Keep Your Website Updated
Another thing we spoke about before. Keeping your website up to date is vital, ask yourself this question, why would anybody visit your website if you last updated it back in 2009? Everybody has something to say, remember to post it on your website!

5) Help Your Visitor To Find The Information They Are Looking For
Avoid having massive menus that visitors might find it hard to locate the page they are looking for or hiding links to your most popular pages. Keep navigation menus clearly visible, use bright and bold colours that people can see clearly.

We hope these Web Design tips give you some good indication on what to look at doing on your website in 2013. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at pebble on 01733 367799 or email us via our contact form.


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