Thursday 7 March 2013

33 Must Read CSS3 Tips, Tricks, Tutorial Sites and Articles

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%tutkeSince previous article about CSS text effects got really big attention I decided to research and find more interesting articles and websites just focused on CSS3, teaching you how to use it, showing pros and cons and much more. To be honest it’s hard for me to keep up with technologies myself, but we really cannot not to use those new great selectors to make our designs even more beautiful, user-friendly and lightweighted. However since HTML5 is sort of tied with CSS3, I will soon continue with HTML5 article as well, so don’t miss it and keep coming back! Enjoy!

1. Take Your Design To The Next Level With CSS3

In this article you’ll learn why CSS3 should be used and how web designers use it already in good way. Great article for getting you started with CSS3.

2. Push Your Web Design Into The Future With CSS3

Here are five CSS3 techniques snatched from the future that you can put into practice in your website designs today.

3. Super Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBA

Learn how to create super cool, scalable buttons with CSS3.
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4. A Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3


5. CSS 3 Cheat Sheet (PDF)

This is printable CSS 3 Cheat Sheet (PDF), a complete listing of all the properties, selectors types and allowed values in the current CSS 3 specification from the W3C. Each property is provided in a section that attempts to match it with the section (module) that it is most actively associated within the W3C specification.(Download *pdf)

6. CSS3.Info

CSS3 is the new kid in the stylesheet family. It offers exciting new possibilities to create an impact with your designs, allows you to use more diverse style sheets for a variety of occasions and lots more. Also check excellent CSS3 Preview page there, which shows demos of new features.

7. Get Started with CSS 3

Beautiful CSS3 tutorial article explaining several new CSS3 features and giving solutions how to create them actually.

8. Introduction to CSS3 – Part 1: What Is It?

These six part series are providing an introduction to the new CSS3 standard which is set to take over from CSS2 from DesignShack.

9. Accessibility Features of CSS from W3

This document summarizes the features of the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), level 2 Recommendation ([CSS2]) known to directly affect the accessibility of Web documents. Some of the accessibility features described in this document were available in CSS1 ([CSS1]) as well. This document has been written so that other documents may refer in a consistent manner to the accessibility features of CSS.

10. Progressive Enhancement with CSS 3: A better experience for modern browsers

In this article you will look at how you can use graceful (or, progressive) enhancement techniques to make use of CSS3 features in browsers that support them, while ensuring that your code will still provide a satisfactory user experience in older browsers that do not yet support those features.

11. Conversation with CSS 3 team

In this article, interviews Bert Bos, chair of the CSS Working Group at W3C, about the next release of the CSS specification and how past design decisions are influencing the future of CSS. This interview offers a rare opportunity to learn more about the inner workings and thought processes of the CSS Working Group at W3C.

12. Six Questions: Eric Meyer on CSS3

Great interview with Eric Meyer about CSS3.

13. The fundamental problems with CSS3

This article brings up several problems and issues with CSS3, interesting reading.

14. CSS3 Exciting Functions and Features: 30+ Useful Tutorials

In this post you will take a look at some interesting properties of CSS3 that you can put into practice in your website designs today.

15. Old School Clock with CSS3 and jQuery


16. The CSS3 border-radius property (Not Valid Anymore)

One of the CSS3 properties designers have been longing the most for is undoubtedly the border-radius property. With CSS3 border-radius property it’s possible to create the so popular rectangles with rounded corners exclusively via CSS – no images needed.

17. Get the best out of CSS3

Craig Grannell turns into a cross between Jeffrey Zeldman and Russell Grant, taking a peek at what the future of CSS has to offer – with a little help from Opera, Safari and Firefox

18. How To Create A Sexy Vertical Sliding Panel Using jQuery And CSS3

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19. Rounded Corner Boxes the CSS3 Way


20. #57: Using CSS3 by Chris Coyier

This screencast covers many of CSS3 techniques now possible, focusing on the ones that can be used for progressive visual enhancement. Border radius, @font-face, animations/transitions, text-shadow, box-shadow, multiple backgrounds, RGBa, gradients, border image.

21. HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using

In this tutorial, your are going to build a blog page using next-generation techniques from HTML 5 and CSS 3. The tutorial aims to demonstrate how we will be building websites when the specifications are finalized and the browser vendors have implemented them.
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22. 11 Classic CSS Techniques Made Simple with CSS3

In this tutorial from Nettuts you will learn eleven different time-consuming effects that can be achieved quite easily with CSS3.

23. CSS 3 selectors explained – Overview of CSS 3 selector syntax


24. 3 Easy and Fast CSS Techniques for Faux Image Cropping


25. CSS3 Borders Preview

CSS3 takes borders to a new level with the ability to use gradients, rounded corners, shadows and border images. Mozila, Firefox and Safari 3 have implemented this function, which allows you to create round corners on box-items.

26. CSS3 property tests


27. CSS3 Background Images (Sizing & Multiple Imgs)

Background images / textures are being used and implemented in many ways, often adding the nicest of finishing touches to a website. It is now proposed that in CSS 3, we can apply background image dimensions as well as use multiple background images. Along with the +/- quick list of compatible browsers, here is how

28. Overview of CSS3 Structural pseudo-classes


29. 5 CSS3 Techniques For Major Browsers using the Power of jQuery


30. jSlickmenu: A jQuery plugin for slick CSS3 menus

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31. Multiple Backgrounds (CSS3)


32. CSS: border-radius and -moz-border-radius


33. Modernizr

Modernizr is a small and simple JavaScript library that helps you take advantage of emerging web technologies (CSS3, HTML 5) while still maintaining a fine level of control over older browsers that may not yet support these new technologies.


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