Thursday 21 March 2013

Custom Website Design Vs. Template Vs. Build Your own via Software

Tulsa Website Design)

Custom Website Design is a great way to go if you want the best of the best. You'll be spending a lot more than the other two ways but it's going to look and function a lot better. If you choose to go this route, make sure you choose the right design company. Look around at their portfolio and visit the sites they claim they designed. Call up some of those sites if you can and talk to the owner to verify that the design company did indeed create the site. Ask how his / her experience was with the company. If you're going to spend a lot of money, do your research first. Some company's claim to do custom web designs but only edit templates or worse. Let's recap on the pros and cons!

  • Great looking design and functionality
  • One of a kind
  • You will be working with a team of experts
  • Can basically have the website do anything you wish
  • Can leave your wallet very light
  • Can take a month or maybe two to finish
  • Some company's lie about being a Custom Website Design firm so do your research
Template buying is a popular was to get your website started also. There are many sites that offer thousands of templates and decent prices like template monster. The average price of a template will run you around $50. Buying a template is one of the cheapest ways to get your website up and running but there are a few things to keep in mind. Hundreds of people may have bought the same template as you so you might have a lot of websites looking the same. If you don't know how to edit a template or even upload it to your hosting server properly, you will be paying someone to do it for you.

  • Cheap way to get a fully functional website
  • Can have it up and running within hours if you know what you're doing
  • Thousands of different templates to choose from

  • Lots of other people may have bought that same template so you may have hundreds of other websites looking just like yours
  • If you don't know how to edit websites or upload them, you will be paying someone to do it for you.
Some websites have software that you can use to build your own website like homestead. They charge you a small monthly fee, usually about $10 a month and you can build your own website and host it through them. In theory this is a good idea but from my experience people don't stick with it very long. The software is pretty simple once you get use to it, most of it is just drag and drop. If you're looking for a nice flashy, functional, unique website this is not the place to go. Websites using these types of software are basic with not a whole lot of functionality to them. You just can't get the perfection that you get with a team of expert website designers and developers.

  • Cheap price of $10 per month
  • Can build and edit the website yourself
  • Easy to drag and drop
  • Most website using this type of software come out looking "Basic" and "Dull"
  • Can get annoying with its limited abilities
  • Most people that use this will end up hiring a designer to build them a website
After looking at these three items, which is the best way to go you ask? Short answer, there isn't a best way. You will have to take in the pros and cons and figure out what is best for you and your current situation. I hope this helps!

Created by Vivid Custom Websites
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