Wednesday 8 May 2013

Tips to design your website

Branding your Business with best web design features- The website is the first image or reflection of your business in the online world.  Your website acts as an exclusive fastest medium to attract customers not only from your local area but from across the globe.  To give the global customers a good and effective impression of your business portfolio you should emphasize on branding your business while getting your website designed. Ask your web design company to create an attractive website template to include your business logo with a complementing tagline in all the website pages. Design an informative page detailing the best relevant information about your business history and who you are. Ask your web designing firm to add a bookmarking option on all the webpage to let the users add your website to their favorite list.

Opt for a User Friendly Navigation in the Website- A well structured website with fast speed and user friendly interface always has more potential to attract and engage customers than a website having more products to offer but a clumsy navigation to follow. Categories your products in groups, ask your web designer to create an innovative menu with simple easy to follow user friendly navigation. Make use of Back to Top / Back to Home Page / Back features wherever required while navigating the website.

Utilize optimized graphics on website: Get your web images optimized before you upload them on the website. Image optimization reduces the loading time and thus helps in faster loading of the website. Ask your website design company to create attractive thumbnails and insert alt text for your product images.

Content and Layout Presentation- The look and feel of your website and its content is the most important factor to get customers attracted towards your website. Always remember it's the website content only that can turn a prospect online customer to a real online buyer of your business product. Focus on presenting real, informative, valid, optimized and original content on your website. Avoid using Popup windows as they can only lead to customer disappointment.

Know your Customer- Design and include a customer feedback form in your website to get a feel of how your customer felt while navigating through your website. Opt for surveys and public polls from time to time to gather relevant customer information.

Link your Website- Emphasize on clear descriptive internal and external links on your website. Create a valid sitemap to include links to all the web pages of your website. Make sure all the external links are relevant and no frauds. Highlight all your links through different color scheme of course the scheme should match your website color scheme.

Create a 404 Page:  Get a valid 404 page with a back link to your home page created for your website. The 404 page tells the online audience about the removal of any webpage.

Follow SEO standards: Get your website optimized for major search engines. Create crisp, informative, relevant title and descriptions of all your web pages. Good and original content of your website with well defined natural linking strategy can lead you good ranks among the top search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.


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